Designated computer area
Big screen TV with Nintendo Switch
YA fiction, graphic novels, DVDs, audiobooks, and magazines
Board and card games for check-out (in-library use)
Teen study room
Gateway Makerspace (basic craft supplies including sewing machines; no appointment or waiver required)
Makerspace with technology and crafting equipment (by appointment or during teen programs)
Teen Programming:
The Library offers events and activities for tweens (ages 10-13) and teens (ages 12-18) throughout the year. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram or check our calendar below to see what's coming up!
Teen Library Council (TLC)
Check out our TLC page to learn how you can earn volunteer hours and help your library!
Anime Club
Teens/tweens ages 10-18 can join us to watch anime films and series, and discuss their favorite anime and manga. This club meets the third Tuesday of each month at 4:15pm.