Test Proctoring

The Grand Island Public Library supports the educational and career pursuits of Library patrons by offering test proctoring for local and distance education and employment testing or recertification.

To facilitate an efficient test-taking process please be aware of the following: 

  • Exams must be scheduled with the Library at least 72 hours in advance;

  • Exams must be completed at least 30 minutes before the closing time of the Library

  • Exams will be administered by staff at the Reference/Information Desk. A specific staff-member cannot be guaranteed to be the

    administrator of an exam

    • Due to desk staffing, the staff person who begins an exam may not be the same person who finishes administering the exam;

  • Constant, uninterrupted supervision of the test taker cannot be provided;

  • If a computer is required for an exam; the Library can provide one if necessary, but cannot install any software or make any modifications to

    the computer system.

Please view the full Test Proctoring Policy located here.

If you need an exam proctored please email us