The Emergency Management Department and Hall County Citizen Corps Council will host a free basic training session for the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). The CERT program promotes a partnering effort between
emergency services and the people that they serve. The goal is for emergency personnel to train
neighborhoods, community organizations or your workplace in basic response
skills and become integrated into the emergency capability for their community.
CERT Training includes disaster preparedness, fire safety, disaster first aid, simple search & rescue, disaster stress & psychology, team organization, and terrorism awareness. Concepts are taught through 20 hours of classroom instruction, hands-on practical training, and a simulated exercise. CERT graduates learn how to help their communities and neighbors, and are eligible to join the Hall County CERT Team. CERT team members are issued emergency volunteer response gear and participate in additional training sessions to sharpen and enhance their skills.
The CERT course will be held at Grand Island City Hall:
Thursday & Friday June 10-11, 6pm-9pm
Saturday June 12, 8am-5pm
For more information and to register, contact the Emergency Management Department at: