Strategic Policing
Strategic Policing Performance Objectives and Progress Reports
Strategic Policing Progress Report
The City conducted a comprehensive public safety study in 2012 that recommended the Police Department develop a strategic policing model and also a set of performance measures to determine the Department’s success in accomplishing our mission. It will take the Police Department four years to be able to fully implement strategic policing and begin to accurately assess performance.
The performance measures established for the Police Department are presented as part of this progress report. We started reporting on performance measures in 2013 while recognizing that the strategic policing program will not be fully implemented until 2016. Some of the performance measures such as Patrol saturation and the community’s perception of criminal activity require outside resources and assessment which will not be measured until 2016 after the program has been fully implemented.
The progress report provides a summary of the recommended staffing and operational changes for the Police Department in the Public Safety Study. We are providing the timeline for implementation for each recommendation and the steps taken to complete implementation.
The progress report will be updated monthly. The ICMA Public Safety Study is available on our web site for your review.