Ed Klimek

Grand Island, Neb. -- Whenever you hear someone talk about a Swiss Army Knife, it's usually due to the numerous tools it contains and how useful it is in a variety of situations. The same can be said about Grand Island Chief Building Official Ed Klimek.

In December, Klimek completed a key certification to add to his long list of accomplishments with the city. The International Code Council issued him a certification as a Certified Building Official. The recognition comes with plenty of responsibility as Klimek is now responsible for the development, administration, interpretation, application and enforcement of the codes adopted by the City of Grand Island. He'll also manage the departmental budget and the certification and training of his inspection staff.

The latest certification for Klimek joins a long list of others, which include:

  • Building Code Specialist

  • Building Plans Examiner

  • Building Inspector

  • Commercial Building Inspector

  • Residential Building Inspector

"These certifications show his qualifications and dedication to helping create safe places for people to live, work and play within the community," Community Development Director Chad Nabity said. "The certifications also are an important part of the city’s ISO rating, which impacts all property owners in the city when they apply for insurance on their properties.  The lower the rating ISO rating, the better the insurance rate."

Under his previous certifications, Klimek was able to demonstrate proficiency and flexibility in diverse building safety disciplines along with legal concerns, management issues and communication skills. He was also responsible for reviewing submitted plans to determine if they meet the requirements of the various Building Codes and Standards adopted by the city.

"Ed has stepped up and taken on the challenge of becoming the Chief Building Official for the City of Grand Island and is providing excellent service to the citizens and leadership in the Building Services Division," Nabity added. " I am proud of him and his dedication to helping Grand Island be a better place."