Meter Reading
Water Meter Reading
Each month a meter reader will read your electric meter and remote read water meter. If your water meter does not have a remote reading device we will read the meter every 3 (three) months. You will receive a minimum estimated bill for the months we do not attempt to read the meter. Our meter readers all carry a City of Grand Island photo identification that will be produced on request. If you have any doubt about the identity of an employee, call our office at 385-5480 for verification. Occasionally we are unable to obtain meter readings because nobody is home, locked gates, or pets. If we are unable to read the meter, we will leave a meter reading card for you to complete and mail to our office. These cards are addressed and are postage paid for your convenience. If we do not receive the card prior to your account being billed, we will estimate the consumption based on past consumption history.
How to Read a Water Meter
Some meters have numbers that you read like an odometer that records how many miles are on your car. If you receive a card asking for your meter reading, write all the numbers showing on the meter in the space provided. If your meter has dials or (clocks), carefully note the position of each hand and mark the clocks on the card accordingly.

Submit Your Reading Online
Now you never need to be home for monthly meter reading visits or send in your meter reading card. Simply submit your electric and water meter readings here