Fast Facts
One wastewater treatment plant serves the entire community.
Grand Island's wastewater plant is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Occasional down times just for maintenance or special cleaning of individual plant processes.
There are 28 full-time staff which operate and manage the plant.
The city maintains over 240 miles of sewer collection pipelines and 13 lift stations.
12 million gallons of sewage a day is treated.
Sewage collected includes not only human waste, but also food waste, used wash-water, and industrial, food-process and agricultural wash-waste.
70 percent of the plant's sewage comes from our top 10 customers.
Approximately 10 separate treatment /cleaning steps are taken before wastewater is discharged. All environmental and health standards are met in achieving these steps. One of the process steps is odor control.