Solid Waste
The Grand Island Solid Waste Division is dedicated to the environmentally and economically sound disposal of municipal solid waste for the City of Grand Island and the surrounding communities.
In-State checks, Visa, Discover, MasterCard and cash (nothing larger than a $50 bill) will be accepted for payment.
Which disposal site should I use?
Two sites are available to the public for the disposal of waste, the Transfer Station and the Landfill.
Transfer Station

Most of the general public utilizes the Transfer Station site because it is the proper site for manual unloading of materials, and is also the location for the Yard Waste Site.
Items that are more than 8 feet in length will not be allowed for disposal at the transfer station. Please contact the superintendent (see box to the right) to discuss other options.
The Landfill is open to the public, however loads that enter this site must be unloaded hydraulically. No manually unloaded vehicles are allowed at this site.

The transfer station and landfill are licensed through the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) as solid waste facilities. This means that liquid materials will not be accepted. This would eliminate all paint, gas, oil, and liquid chemicals from being placed in the loads. In addition, the State and Federal government has mandated bans on other materials such as tires and white goods (refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers, hot water heaters, dehumidifiers.) The Transfer Station and Landfill will accept items for disposal for a Solid Waste Fee. The customer may instead choose to recycle them at a location of their choice. PCB containing materials, and lead acid batteries cannot be accepted.
There are additional restrictions currently being placed on fluorescent light bulbs and ballasts, as well as some computer components and televisions. For the latest on these restrictions, please feel free to contact the Email Solid Waste Division.
Common materials accepted by the Solid Waste facilities are:
General household garbage
Construction and demolition materials
Insulation materials
Railroad ties
Leaves, grass and tree branches are accepted but must be kept separate. Free disposal of yard waste is only for homeowners and renters, not contractors for hire.
Why must leaves and grass be kept separate? The state has imposed a ban on placing leaves and grass in the landfill from April 1st through November 30th of each year because grass takes up a large amount of space in the landfill design and causes excessive settling in the compaction process. The Yard Waste Site is the Solid Waste Division's location to take grass, leaves, and tree branches.