100 East First Street,
Grand Island, NE 68801
P.O. Box 1968,
Grand Island, NE 68802-1968
Phone: (308) 385-5420
Email City Attorney's Office
The Legal Department prosecutes ordinance violations, collects delinquent bills and tax assessments, and prepares and publishes city code.
The city attorney provides legal advice to the mayor, city administrator, city council, and other city departments. In addition, negotiates major contracts between the City and other public bodies, reviews contracts, prepares agreements, ordinances and resolutions. The city attorney attends all council meetings, acts as a liaison between the city and other public bodies, monitors legislative bills, and advises on parliamentary procedures.
Payment Options: If you received a citation for violation of City Code which is "Waiverable" and you wish to admit your guilt and pay your citation without having to attend court you may pay your ticket in person at the Hall County Court or by electronic payment at https://www.nebraska.gov/courts/citations/index.cgi .
STOP Class: If you received a citation for a violation of City Code for a traffic related offense, please consider visiting https://www.unk.edu/offices/safety_center/stop-courses.php to see if you are eligible for traffic STOP class. If eligible, you must enroll in STOP class within 10 days of receiving your citation and you must successfully complete STOP class at least 14 days before the court date listed on your citation.
No Registration Citations: If you received a citation for a violation of City Code for No Registration, if you register your vehicle within 10 days of receiving your citation AND you provide a copy of this registration to the City Attorney within 10 days of receiving the citation you may be eligible to have this charge dismissed.