Inspection Requirements

When are inspections required?

24-hour Advance Notice Is Required For All Inspections.                                             

Call Building Services Division to schedule inspections at (308) 385-5325 or schedule online from the user portal.

Footings: When formed and ready to place concrete.  Rebar must be placed and property pins identified so location of building can be verified. 

Foundation/backfill: When water proofing is complete and ready for backfilling. 

Plumbing/mechanical/electrical Rough-in: When all plumbing, mechanical, and electrical in walls and floors has been completed prior to covering.  These inspection must be complete and approved prior to requesting a framing inspection.

Framing: When all framing, wiring, plumbing, and venting is done and walls are ready for covering.  Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical rough-in inspections must be completed and approved prior to requesting a framing inspection.

Final: Shall be made after all permitted work is complete and prior to occupancy.  This includes all site, building, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical work to be fully completed.

Certificate of Occupancy/completion: A building or structure shall not be used or occupied in whole or part, and change of occupancy of a building or structure or portion therefor shall not be made, until the Chief Building Official has issued a certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion.  Certificates will not be issued until all inspections have been completed and passed.

Other Department Inspections Required

Fire Department: On all commercial projects a separate final inspection must be scheduled with the Fire Department by calling (308) 385-5450.

Public Works: Items below require inspections and permits form Public Works.                   

Call Public Works at (308) 385-5455 to schedule inspections and for permit information.

-Sidewalks, curbs, and driveway approaches                                                                                                                    -Sewer main taps and caps