Frequently Asked Questions

Does the City Attorney’s Office prosecute law violations?
Yes. The City Attorney’s Office prosecutes traffic and misdemeanor violations of the Grand Island Municipal Code issued by the Grand Island Police Department and Animal Control. You can find City code here. You can find the Wavier Fee Schedule here. You can pay your citation online here. If you qualify for STOP (Safety Training Option Program) their contact information is here.

Does the City of Grand Island require you to have a pet license?
Yes, your dog or cat must be licensed annually. If you have questions, please contact Central Nebraska Humane Society at (308) 385-5305 or your veterinarian clinic.

How do I get a hold of code enforcement?
Call the non-emergency line at (308) 385-5400.

Where can I go for free legal advice?
The City Legal Department does not give out legal advice to the public, but you can reach out to Legal Aid at (308) 381-0517.

My neighbor’s tree is hanging over in my yard, whose responsibility is it?
This is a civil dispute, the City Attorney will not get involved.