General Information
Why do I need a Building Permit?
A building permit is required to ensure that projects meet minimum standards for safety and health purposes. Unsafe building conditions can lead to potentially disastrous effects.
When do I need a Building Permit?
The following work requires a building permit:
Shingling, siding and all new construction including additions, enclosing porches and garages.
Repairs when structural members are involved, or which enlarge or change location of openings.
Interior remodeling when alterations require removal of walls or wall coverings, or adding new rooms such as basement finishing.
Installation of fireplaces or other wood burning appliances.
Decks over 30 inches above grade.
Patio covers and carports.
Accessory building over 120 square feet.
Signs to be erected, re-erected, moved, or altered, including mobile signs.
Moving or wrecking buildings.
If repairs have a valuation which exceeds $500 - check with the Building Services Division.
Flat concrete work on private property - check with the Building Services Division.
What type of work can I do without a Building Permit?
Accessory buildings not exceeding 120 square feet.
Fences not over 7-feet in height.
Decks not over 30-inches above grade and not over any basement or story below.
Painting, papering, or similar finish work.
Window awning supported by an exterior wall of residential occupancy when not projecting more than 54-inches.
Replacement of uncovered porches under 60 square feet.
Installation of storm windows or roof gutters.
Repairs not exceeding a valuation of $500 – check with the Building Services Division.
Replacement of existing kitchen cabinets which do not alter existing plumbing, electrical, or structural elements.
What are the guidelines for Electrical Permits?
Permits are required for installation of all new electrical wiring, lighting fixtures, receptacles, electrical services and rewiring. You do not need an electrical permit to replace existing lighting fixtures, switches, or to complete minor repairs to electrical wiring.
Communication tower work which requires a building permit:
-New equipment shelter
-New tower structure
-Changes to structure or height of existing tower
Communication tower work which requires an electrical permit:
-Install new or replace existing AC or DC power conductors or equipment including:
-Power supply
-Microwave equipment
-Distribution box
-Hybrid cable
All new construction including additions.
New or replacement of water heaters, furnaces, sewers and water services.
Installation of backflow preventers, lawn sprinkler systems, water softeners, and reverse osmosis units.