Grand Island Yard Waste Site
Grass, leaves, and tree branches are accepted at the Yard Waste Site at no charge to residents of Grand Island.
The Yard Waste Site has a separate entrance located on Monitor Road, just North of the Transfer Station building.
Beginning December 9th, the Yard Waste Site will be closed for the season.
Grand Island residents can still dispose of yard waste for free during the Winter months by entering the main (South) entrance of the Transfer Station (located at 5050 W. Old Potash) and stopping on the scale to check in with the office attendant. (Hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday.)

Yard waste to be disposed of, must be clean of waste and debris. Residential customers who bring in grass, leaves, and tree branches are responsible for ensuring that their load is properly secured so as to prevent littering along the roadways, for dumping out plastic bags, discarding bags into a dumpster, and unloading their own vehicle. Free disposal of yard waste is only for homeowners and renters, not contractors for hire.