Restrictive/Open Burning

The City of Grand Island Fire Department is announcing to residents that the spring restrictive/open burn dates will run from Sunday, April 20 through Saturday evening, May 3, 2025.  A burn permit is required and will be available at City Hall – Fire Administration beginning Monday, April 14 for a $10.00 fee. Burns started without permit are subject to fines and truck response fees.  Please pay close attention to this web site and news releases that may ban the period due to dry weather.

The burn period is scheduled twice a year—beginning on the third Sunday in April and running for a 14 day period and then again on the second Sunday in October and running for a 14 day period—and is observed between the hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. unless not allowed by the Fire Chief due to inclement weather.

The burn period is restricted to properties of owners or occupants of private one and two family dwellings.  Burns are restricted to leaves and brush indigenous to the property permitted where no nuisance or hazard is created.  It is a violation of state statute to move leaves or brush to another property to burn.  Burns are not permitted in public ways, city right of ways, or alleys.  Open fires are to be constantly attended by an adult until the fire is extinguished.  A water supply or other extinguishing equipment is to be readily available for use.  No fire is to be abandoned until it has been completely extinguished.  Burns are not allowed if local wind speed is 15 mph or greater regardless of permit dates.

For more information about the restrictive/open burn period residents can contact the Grand Island Fire Department at City Hall at 308-385-5444 or any of the four fire stations in town.

Fire locations for leaf and brush piles greater than three (3.0) feet in diameter or two (2.0) feet in height must be at least fifty (50.0) feet away from any structure or other combustible material.  Fire locations for leaf and brush piles less than three (3.0) feet in diameter and two (2.0) feet in height must be at least twenty-five (25.0) feet from any structure or other combustible material unless the fire is contained within an approved burning appliance or barrel with one-half (1/2") inch wire mesh screen covering the entire opening and such container or barrel is located not less than fifteen (15.0) feet from any structure or other combustible material.

The City Fire Department would like to remind all residents of Grand Island that the city transfer station accepts leaves, tree branches and limbs at no cost. We would recommend this means of yard clean up over the use of fires.

Open Burn Regulations