Snow Information


Residents, Business Owners, and Motorists

Stay Informed
-Weather conditions change quickly…it is important to stay informed.
-Snow Emergency status available via local radio and TV channels, news paper, City’s website, facebook, and twitter.
-Snow Emergency Route maps are available on City’s Website

Winter Weather Awareness

-Snow to be cleared within 24 hours

-Snow plows will likely plow snow from the street onto sidewalks so, if possible, sidewalks should be cleared after the plows have passed.

-Snow from driveways is not be placed or shoveled into the street.

-Snow plows will likely plow snow from the street into driveways so it is ideal to wait for the snow plows to pass before working on clearing the driveway.

-Shoveling the driveway in this manner can reduce the amount of snow that may end up within the driveway opening.

Driveway Clearing Diagram

-Remove enough snow to allow mail truck drive-up delivery.

-Ensure mailbox position meets the United States Postal Service requirements (typically 6" to 8" behind the face of the curb or edge of the pavement).  The City is not responsible for damage to mailboxes located in the City Right-of-Way. 

Fire Hydrants
-Clear snow so fire hydrants are visible and accessible.

Snow can not be blown or plowed onto street
-Blowing or plowing snow into a city street is a hazard to motorists and a violation of Grand Island’s City Code.

Off-Street Parking
-Parking on the street in residential areas is rarely banned but voluntarily using off-street parking helps the Streets Division clear streets faster and better.