Grand Island, Nebraska (only)
How to obtain Knox Boxes for a Commercial Business
The KNOX-BOX® Rapid Entry System was specifically developed for the fire department. With one master key the Fire Department can gain access to commercial properties. More than 11,500 departments nationwide use Knox® key boxes, vaults, Haz-Mat cabinets, key switches, locking FDC caps, and padlocks. Grand Island participates in the Knox-box program.
In addition to the Knox Box system the Grand Island Fire Department use a KeySecure®, master key security system, to control the Knox Master Key. A KeySecure unit is on first responding ambulances and Fire Trucks. These Master Key Retention units provide accountability with an audit trail giving the date, time and user ID for each key release. The newer model, installed in 2022 also audit trails each KnoxBox access with date, time and user stamp as well.
Property owners in our community store entrance keys, access cards and floor plans in high-security Knox-Box® key boxes mounted near their building entrances. Each Knox-Box purchased by the property owner is keyed to a single master key controlled by our department (older units) or a master fob (electronic new units). Electronic tumblers can also be purchased to replace the old mechanical tumbler. With the Knox System, there is no waiting for a property owner to unlock the door in the middle of the night, and no forcing the door open to gain entry. The Knox Rapid Entry System reduces response time, property damage and the liability for lost keys.
To order a box you can order off the internet at WWW.KNOXBOX.COM/STORE/. (See following guide)
When the KnoxBox arrives it will be open. Contact the Fire Department and negotiate for an appropriate location for the box. Mount the Knox box on your business, get a set of master keys made and call the Fire Department to lock the keys in the KnoxBox. It’s that simple.
If you have any questions, call the Grand Island Fire Marshal office at 385-5444 ext. 228