Grand Island Television
GITV General Information
Grand Island Television, also referred to as GITV, is the City’s Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) Station serving the residents of Grand Island and Hall County. The purpose of GITV is to be a source for information about local government, civic affairs, and education through regular videotaped broadcasts of various public meetings, events, and programs.
GITV can be viewed on Channel 187 for those individuals who have Charter Communications cable or via digital channel 50.1 for those who do not have cable. In addition to these news channels, Charter Communications cable channel 180 is also an important part of GITV, serving as the community’s information channel.
For those residents who do not have Charter Communications or analog options, GITV can also be watched on computers or mobile devices via a live stream.
GITV channels 187 and 50 air news segments that are educational, governmental, or community related in nature. Public service announcements and programs provided by other government entities and non-profit organizations are also included in the mix.
Programs include:
City Council meetings are aired live on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. (when meetings are held) and rebroadcasted weekdays at 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.
School Board meetings rebroadcasted on Saturday and Sunday at 6 p.m.
Hall County Board of Supervisors meetings on Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m.
Citizen Review Committee meetings are aired lived--schedule of meetings varies
Programs addressing current issues in City government--monthly City Matters segment
Programs from local organizations--monthly Community Connections segment
Programs from other government entities
GITV channel 180 is the City’s information channel, also referred to as Digital Data 180. This channel provides information on upcoming community events, government happenings, non-profit organizations, and up-to-date weather. This electronic bulletin board meets the need of every resident and runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To find out if your event or announcement would qualify to be aired please review the GITV policy. Qualifying announcements in the format of an event flyer can be emailed or dropped off at city hall no later than two weeks prior to the event.
GITV was developed in late 1993. A franchise agreement was established between the City of Grand Island and TCI Cable Television, providing an initial $60,000 to fund the startup of Governmental Educational Television, and continues to make an annual contribution to support GITV.
If you are interested in providing or request programming be added to the GITV schedule or would like to list information on Digital Data 180, please contact the Public Information Office at (308) 385-5444 ext. 149 or E-mail Public Information Office.