The primary purpose of Grand Island Television is to provide informational programming related to the structure and workings of local Grand Island City government such as City Council meetings, new or revised laws or ordinances, administrative procedures, civic improvement projects, educational issues and other related matters.
Grand Island Television may also provide programming related to other government agencies and entities within the community and serve as a source of information providing citizens with informational and educational programming. Segements provided to GITV or produced by GITV should contribute to the viewers’ understanding about civic affairs, community events, health matters, and social issues, cultural, educational, and recreational opportunities.
If your non-profit organization has an educational segment or public service announcement that has been produced by an outside agency and you would like it added to the GITV braodcast schedule you can contact the Public Inforamtion Office at (308) 385-5444 ext. 148 or email your request. In order for your request to be granted the piece must fit GITV policies, you must own the copyrights to the piece and give permission to GITV to air the piece, and it must be of broadcast quality that is approved by GITV staff.